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Online Learning Management System in PHP MySQL

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Online Learning Management System in PHP MySQL

The Online Learning Management System is develop in PHP MySQL database, using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Modal, Ajax, and Bootstrap, this system is easy to use and very friendly user in web application, it contain of admin and user, the user is represent as a student, before the student p make their own account we need sign up to login, and also the student can add everything in school like select courses, under the approval of admin, but for any inquires the student also can chat the admin using online chat. The admin can manage all transaction in online chat, approved, and delete user.

Admin Dashboard

Categories, Courses, Student, Enrollment, Report, Message.


Add New Categories, Category Code, Category Title, Parent, Icon Picker, Category, and Thumbnail.


Active Courses, Pending Courses, Free Courses, Paid Courses, Course List, Categories, Status, Instructor, Price and Filter.


Add New Students, Show Entries, Photo, Name, Email, Enrolled Courses, Edit, Delete, and Search.


Enroll History, Enroll a Student, Enrolment Form, User, and Course, to Enroll.


Admin Revenue, Instructor Revenue, Enrolled Course, Total Amount, Enrolment Date and Status.


System Settings, Website Settings, Payment Settings, Payment Setting, Instructor Settings, Language Settings, SMTP Settings, About, Themes, Mobile App,

System Setting

Website Name, Website Title, Website Keywords, Website Description, Author, Slogan, System Email, Address, Phone, You Tube Key, Vimeo, Api Key, Purchase Code, System Language, Student Email Verification, and Footer Link.

Website Setting

Banner Title, Banner Sub Title, About Us, Term of Condition, Privacy Policy

Payment Setting

System Currency, Currency Position, Active, Mode, Paypal Currency, Client ID.


Instructor Setting, Allow Public Instructor, Instructor Revenue, Admin Revenue percentage.

Language Setting

Language List, Add Phrase, Add language, Edit, and Delete.

SMTP Setting

Protocol, SMTP Host, SMTP Port, Username, Password.

Online Learning Management System

Name of Project: Online Learning Management System

Language Used: PHP

Database Used: My SQL

Design Interface: Bootstrap JavaScript, HTML, Ajax, JQuery,

Browser: Opera Mozilla Google Chrome IE8,


About System

How to setup this project

Step 1st. Download xampp

Step 2nd. Text editor notepad++ or Sublime

Step 3rd. Download the zip file/ Download winrar

Step 4th. Extract the file and copy “Online_Learning_Management_System” folder

Step 5th. Paste inside root directory/ where you install xampp local disk C: drive D: drive E: paste: for xampp/htdocs,

Step 6th. Open PHPMyAdmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin

Step 7th. Create database name dblms

Step 8th. Import dblms.sql file given inside the zip package in SQL file folder

Step 9th. Run the script http:// Online_Learning_Management_System

Step 10th. Password: **Username:** / Password: admin. 

For installation we provide services to you do you have website to host domain and hosting if you haven't yet we recomended you to use which is best for website and all feature are with it 

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Online Learning Management System in PHP MySQL

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